So, I had the joyous opportunity of trying to see a doctor today since I was concerned that I was getting a chest infection (bronchitis, pneumonia). So, although I knew I wouldn't be able to get an appointment in town, I attempted to call the clinic here. Nothing but a busy signal. I then proceeded to toil over going to the emergency room in the town 50km away. I didn't really want to go there an seem like a tool for something that may not be serious. However, I didn't want it to be serious and then seem like a tool for not going in the first place. I decided I would try calling the government health line for advice. After being on hold for about 20 minutes I gave up and decided to just go in.
I had had the opportunity to peruse that emergency room before and was quite concerned that it would take a number of hours. Amazingly, however, it was much faster than that. I was really expecting to be able to type a long expose on emergency room waiting times and how it is caused by inadequate non-emergency care... and since I've broached the topic I think I will delve in briefly.
I don't think anyone in my situation actually wants to sit for hours in an emergency room. Typically for things like a cold, flu, infection or other concerns, that aren't immediately life threatening, people like myself would much rather make an appointment to see a doctor in a practice. Unfortunately, when you are actually able to get ahold of a family doctor and, even after explaining your situation, are only able to book an appointment as soon as three weeks (not shitting you, the last time I tried booking an appointment with the clinic in town it was three weeks), that isn't soon enough when you have an immediate medical concern. Granted, I am probably using the word
immediate incorrectly. When I use it I mean something that should be taken care of in a couple days. So, all in all I don't believe the medical system where I live is working. We need more doctors desperately. As well, we need to be able to see the same doctor not a rotation of doctors.
Anyway, the doctor that I did end up seeing today wasn't the best at 'customer service', but he got the job done. In a future blog I plan on exploring our medical system and how it isn't being ran properly. Some very brief examples of how it isn't being run properly is doctors feelings of entitlement (ie. they don't recognize that it is your tax dollars that pay their paycheque), waste in the medical system and lack of service/care.
As I am sure most of you are wondering... the prognosis is that I have a viral infection. So, basically there is nothing that can be done except to treat the symptoms. Which means drinking Neocitran and taking other drugs. Expected recovery is 3-6 weeks!
My day with doctors didn't end there, though. I had a chiropractor appointment in the evening. Generally, I don't mind going to the chiropractor. On this occasion, however, whole families were in the waiting room. I beg people, please don't bring you noisy brats to a doctors office. Believe me when I say you are the only one that loves your child's screaming. No one else on this earth wants to enjoy the company of your brat. Furthermore, no one wants to hear you kid scream that they don't want to get adjusted by the chiropractor. If the child is scared of this ELECTIVE treatment, don't make them go through with it. Don't even try to talk them into it. I have only seen it lead to wailing, which as I mentioned previously no one but yourself wants to hear. I don't believe in getting pre-pubescent or pubescent kids adjusted anyway. You're dealing with systems that should not be screwed up to begin with and bones that are still growing and malleable. There should be no reason to adjust babies, kids or adolescents.