The Banqer

Just some rants, musings and other irrelevent items writen by me. Enjoy a voyeuristic peek into my life.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Cornerstone

Well I've come to another 'cornerstone' in my life. It isn't anything that anyone on the outside would notice... but I feel that I need to take control of some things in my life and finally set things 'right'.

A couple months ago I started practicing The Law of Attraction, which I found to be very helpful to my overall well being. Unfortunately, this past month I've wavered on it. I plan to starting to practice again tomorrow. I have a number of LOA books that I have yet to read and still many more pages in my journals to fill.

I gave my house a decent cleaning this weekend and had some people over... so I think that has helped me shift my mind into a healthier place.

Along with practicing LOA again I plan on starting to eat healthy, again... I was doing so well and lost about 15lbs, now I need to get back on that wagon.

I will write more tomorrow about my LOA journey.


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