The Banqer

Just some rants, musings and other irrelevent items writen by me. Enjoy a voyeuristic peek into my life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I love Condelizza Rice!!! She's my new girlfriend. MUAH! Love you Condie! Posted by Hello

Monday, March 28, 2005

Needie! Picture is old, but still cute. Posted by Hello

My kitty cat Needie... because he is needie. Posted by Hello

Me and my girls (Jen and Debbie) Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Is enough, enough?

~I got a new life you would hardly recognize me I'm so glad. How could a person like me care for you?~
~How could a person like you bring me joy?~
~I saw the sign, and it opened up my mind. And I am happy now living without you. I left you, oh oh oh~

Okay, yes some people may think the song is too 90's or corny; but, I love it. For those of you who don't recognize the lyrics, it's Ace of Bases "The Sign".

What the song portrays is what I want to feel. Unfortunately, it is truly a want because I am still not there. I think that 90% of the population would be fine by now... I mean, I did break up with him in November. It is now March... that's 4 months, or... roughly 3660 hours, 201600 seconds.

To be specific the feeling that I don't feel is the happiness.... I mean I'm generally happy, just not happy with what the situation brought. I need closure, but I'm not sure how to attain it. I fear that any contact that I attempt I would ruin with crass comments or just utter obscenities.

But yeah... still mad, still hurt and not really making any progress with that.