The Banqer

Just some rants, musings and other irrelevent items writen by me. Enjoy a voyeuristic peek into my life.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Apprentice

Okay, so really... Angie should NOT have been fired tonight. She was the only fucking person the team that did anything. Fucking Chris, as cute and dateable as I think he is, lost a company credit card. And subsequently spent the rest of the task trying to find it. Alex delegated everything, except technology procurement, to Angie. So, in my opinion, Angie did an outstanding job in 24 hours. She designed the clothes, had them made up and created the presentation. The only error that I think Angie made was allowing Alex to delegate so much shit to her. Chris or Alex should have been fired. Alex for his absolutely aborrent ability to manage and Chris for his irresponsibility. Donald Trumps continued praise of Alex, saying that Chris and Angie have made him a looser is only loosely true... Alex was NEVER a winner, his previous team held him up.
 candidate_angie.jpg Should still be in the running.
chris3_photo.jpg Hot, but needs to go.
candidate_alex.jpg Couldn't manage properly.

Missing something...

When I was done going into work at 8:30am this morning, on my day off, worked for 2 hours, had a nap and then had a job interview. Anyways... when I was finally done my set out tasks for the day I felt like something was missing. It took me at least an hour to figure out what it was. At first I thought that it might be that my friend Dave had moved. That wasn't it though, even though I am upset that he has moved away. I sensed that my loss had something to do with me not having someone that I could just phone up and hang out with... and I mean hang out in the raw sense of the word; Drive around, shoot the shit, enjoy each others company. There was really only one person that I did that with. Unfortunately, those exclusive rights belonged to my ex-boyfriend.

Of course the question should be, "What would have set these feelings off?"... our human brains are remarkable pieces of work. How neurons are meshed together and one can set off the other, it is largely a mystery to medical science. Anyway, what set me off was driving down 50th street, almost right between the whitemude and the yellowhead. A person that I loved, was with for a short period of time, lived around there. I remember picking him up from there and hanging out with him. Once, we watched the planes land at the municipal airport, right at that little rest stop on 121st street. We fell asleep cuddling that night. Sadly, he was killed in May of 2004. So anyway being reminded of him reminded me of my past relationship which made me feel a sense of loss of companionship. Strange how things work, eh?

I think that's all for now... but I might post more... who knows.

Unconditional love... It's soooo cute... makes me want to have more kitty cats!!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Me walking on Mars... Odyssium April 2nd 2005 Posted by Hello

Chris, Mitchell, Dave, George and I! (Left to right) Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005


Okay... so I've been at the same place of work for 6 months now and I have put up with tons of shit. I have been my own manager, ran the satellite branch more or less on my own, I've more or less fended for myself since I started there. So anyways, last week our performance reviews, which includes a pay review, was completed by my old manager (the new one is just taking over now) and submitted for approval by our area manager. So my area manager phones me today apologizing for how things have been lately. Then later in the day I get a hold of my old manager to talk about the performance review, since I had heard he had already talked to almost everyone else about theirs. Right off the bat he informs me that I won't be receiving a pay increase. The reason be that I am still, in his opinion, "learning" and that he had a small budget for pay increases and there were others that were priorities before me. I told him that it was unacceptable that I wouldn't be receiving a pay increase. To which he replied that once I finished the banks lending course that they would do an out of cycle performance review. Now to the uninformed individual on my areas current situation this would sound fine; however, this is not the case. I know of a few people who have been with the bank for OVER a year and are STILL waiting to go on their lending course. I told my old manager that basing my pay on the fact that I didn't have my lending course was unfair, since if it was up to me I would have the course already. It isn't my fault that things have gone on with management changes to fuck me over in receiving the guidance and support that I need to fulfill my role.

When I got off the phone I was furious. I was told that all the extra hours I put in and hard work, having the run the branch myself, wouldn't go unnoticed. Well it sure looks like it was swept under the rug to me. Granted, I knew I wouldn't be getting a huge pay increase... but to toss me NOTHING, that is a gigantic slap in the face. Even if it was 1%, I still wouldn't have been happy... but I wouldn't be as enraged as I am now. My next actions are to set a meeting with my area manager to discuss how inappropriate and unacceptable my remuneration is. Along with this, I will most certainly be handing out my resume and hopefully something less stressful and more generous in pay will come up.

Right now I have a feeling that can be best portrayed by this post.

And my mood...

One pissed kitty cat.